Jacob Jay

Peripatetic British developer, designer and social-entrepreneur.
Specialising in the intersection of software, systems and spaces.

5 Copywriting projects

Website for Playworking

Responsive interim website for a destinational coliving space offering outdoor activities.

2018 — Design, Web, Summary ↙︎
Details, 5 images

Popup Event for Warp aur Weft

2014 — Design, Community, SocialSummary ↙︎
Details, 7 images

Product Website for Esofaber

Site to promote and sell a specific product line.


  • Bespoke image slider handling multiple content parts (image, title, subtitle, price, inset image) and integrated as the core compoent of the page layout
  • Image slider waits for the next slide's image to finish loading before progressing to that slide (a common issue on slower connections with every other slider implementation)
  • Shows the name of the next item in the slider


  • Responsive design (adapts to screen size and orientation such as for tablets)
  • Feature products in the front page slider simply with tagging
  • Automatic slider with manual controls
  • Web fonts (to match the product aesthetic)
  • Localised prices and shipping notices
  • All the Moonstalk Kit optimisations (e.g. typographic prices and async JavaScript loading


2011 — Design, Web, E-commerceSummary ↙︎
Details, 1 images

Estate agency SaaS for duHome

Provide a customisable website for estate agencies.


  • Fuzzy-logic search, gradually widening search criteria scope when not enough matching results are found, i.e. for every non-matching input criteria a corresponding potentially acceptable criteria would be used instead such as 1 bathroom instead of 2, with these criteria being colour-coded (match versus near-match) for easier identification by the user.
  • Comprehensive type-ahead search using multiple sources of data (names, telephones, locations, emails, prices), removing need for time consuming paging of adminstrative list views to find relevent records.
  • Use of geohash indexes for high-performance geospatial property search.
  • Use of deferred slideshow loading to improve performance and usability (almost unheard of at the time, most solutions simply advancing to to half-downloaded images on a timer, or attempting to download all upon page load despite potentially not subsequently showing them).


  • Customer-facing functionality including geographic search and display of properties with mapping and slideshow
  • Agent functionalities including search, management of properties
  • Agency-owner functionality including customisation and configuration of website, and management of agents
  • Support for multiple agency locations per site, and agents per-agency
  • Activitiy streams with messaging and notifications for each agency, agent and property
  • Signup for new agencies (clients) with a default name-derived subdomain
  • Automatic geo-location and address completion when adding properties
  • Image upload and optimisation for slideshows
  • Email notifications when agents are not active on site
  • Property owner CRM with agent association
  • Editable print view with QR code for window display
  • Utilisation of Moonstalk's internationsalistion, geospatial data, type-ahead search, and notification features
2011 — Conception, Web, Content ManagementSummary ↙︎
Details, 8 images

Advert for Student Watchout

Revamp an internal mockup (second image) and create a magazine ad consistent with website identity.

2003 — Design, Print, Summary ↙︎
Details, 1 images