Jacob Jay

Peripatetic British developer, designer and social-entrepreneur.
Specialising in the intersection of software, systems and spaces.

6 Email projects

Estate agency SaaS for duHome

Provide a customisable website for estate agencies.


  • Fuzzy-logic search, gradually widening search criteria scope when not enough matching results are found, i.e. for every non-matching input criteria a corresponding potentially acceptable criteria would be used instead such as 1 bathroom instead of 2, with these criteria being colour-coded (match versus near-match) for easier identification by the user.
  • Comprehensive type-ahead search using multiple sources of data (names, telephones, locations, emails, prices), removing need for time consuming paging of adminstrative list views to find relevent records.
  • Use of geohash indexes for high-performance geospatial property search.
  • Use of deferred slideshow loading to improve performance and usability (almost unheard of at the time, most solutions simply advancing to to half-downloaded images on a timer, or attempting to download all upon page load despite potentially not subsequently showing them).


  • Customer-facing functionality including geographic search and display of properties with mapping and slideshow
  • Agent functionalities including search, management of properties
  • Agency-owner functionality including customisation and configuration of website, and management of agents
  • Support for multiple agency locations per site, and agents per-agency
  • Activitiy streams with messaging and notifications for each agency, agent and property
  • Signup for new agencies (clients) with a default name-derived subdomain
  • Automatic geo-location and address completion when adding properties
  • Image upload and optimisation for slideshows
  • Email notifications when agents are not active on site
  • Property owner CRM with agent association
  • Editable print view with QR code for window display
  • Utilisation of Moonstalk's internationsalistion, geospatial data, type-ahead search, and notification features
2011 — Conception, Web, Content ManagementSummary ↙︎
Details, 8 images

Website for Moonlighting

Manage new member registrations, room bookings and accounts for a combined coworking and accommodation provider.
Social Calendar


  • Disucssion list emails are handled through a bespoke system that appends a member's presence status and profile to their messages, and also rejects posts from expired members or on lists for which they don't have priveleges, thus removing the usual requirement of additional disucssion list adminstration.
  • Automatic checkin using MAC address detection on the LAN when a member connects.


  • Member directory and CRM
  • Checkin system to indicate daily member presence
  • Per-resource (e.g. bedroom) availability calendar
  • Member accounts and bookings
  • Meal booking and payment
  • Staff task views (e.g. to see when rooms are being vacated, and how many meals must be prepared)
  • Email and web discussions for members and staff


2011 — Conception, Web, SocialSummary ↙︎
Details, 5 images

API Gateway for Pixelpipe

An API gateway server accepting media uploads from clients using a wide variety of supported APIs, and re-broadcast them to well over 50 different service providers.


  • Deferred batching to accept multiple uploads over a configurable timeframe, and then re-broadcast them together as an album or single blog post after no more items had arrived (instead of individually upon arrival).
  • Utilisation of special 'routing' tags, allowing uploaded media to be dispatched to specific accounts or groups of accounts simply using a tag, thus avoiding the need for specific client routing UI, and instead using a client's native tagging UI.


  • Prioritised image processing queue with service provider connection constraints
  • Service provider error aggregation and reporting to quicly idenitfy and prioritise API issue resolution with destination service providers
  • Support for multitudinous client upload APIs including metaweblog and Flickr, which with DNS spoofing enabled official clients to be used with the server
  • Bespoke upload applications and Plug-ins including iPhone, Aperture, Windows Live Gallery and integration with Nokia share
  • Support for hosting uploads directly on the service, including views for user streams, albums and individual photos
2008 — Management, Server, PhotoSummary ↙︎
Details, 7 images

Continuity Management System for DigiPlex

Online best-practice incident reporting procedure automation for a datacentre.


  • Forms guiding a user through the incident reporting process, including providing multiple points of contact according to availability
  • Backend databases and administration for locations, contacts (multiple internal and external roles, with individual calendar-based availability and regional holidays)
  • Backend reporting for incidents by location with highest severity identification
  • Email notifications with normal and priority addresses (for SMS)
  • User authentication with anonymous 'SOS' login
  • Multi-language support
2002 — Development, Web, Content ManagementSummary ↙︎
Details, 5 images

E-Card for CBX / Sulzer Infra FM / Axima FM

Dispatch system for employees to email Christmas cards.


  • Form to customise card display and select from several company brands, and option to select a charity to make a donation to (per sender)
  • HTML email dispatch with server-side copy in case of viewing problems
  • Logging of senders and recipients
1999 — Architecture, Web, SocialSummary ↙︎
Details, 2 images

RealTime Electronic Newsletter for European Teleconferencing Federation

Fortnightly email newsletter
Word Email


  • Document size kept under 80KB using minimal formatting and bitmap graphics
1998 — Layout, Miscellaneous, Summary ↙︎
Details, 1 images